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Security & Safety Guide
For Foster Carers
Practical security advice providing common sense real world solutions for situations often encountered by Carers

The Problem
The UK Foster Care system fails to provide carers with information and training regarding family security and assessing potential risks to themselves and the people under their care.
Let's look at the risks and the solutions

Supervised Visits
Supervised visitation is when a parent is only allowed to visit with their child under the supervision of a social worker. The visit usually takes place at a designated visitation facility, such as a child care centre.
Judges typically order supervised visitation when the visiting parent’s fitness is in question, such as in the event of prior alcohol or substance misuse, or if there have been allegations of abuse or domestic violence.
The purpose of supervised visitation is to ensure that parents have an opportunity to maintain contact with their children in a structured environment that is both safe and comfortable for the child.
So a safe environment is organised and supervised for the visitation period but there is generally no plan in place for the period immediately after the visit ends.
At this stage the Biological Parents are emotional and may not want to be separated from their children, they will generally take a dislike to the Foster Parents, knowing the children will form a bond with them.
With emotions running high this is the time when the risk to Foster Carers is at its highest. The Foster Carer(s) have to move the child or children from the visitation centre to the family vehicle.
Social Workers do not generally help with this.
Moving from the visitation centre, on foot to the vehicle, with children is a slow process.
There is usually prams, car seats and other equipment involved.
There is no designated parking, so the vehicle could be a walk away.
Visitation Centres
Plan your journey, use Apple Maps and Google Street View to see the Visitation Centre's location and parking options. Raise your concerns with the attending Social Worker, ask if there is any potential risk from the Biological Parents and what the procedure is at the end of the visit.
Can the Biological Parents be held back whilst you leave with the child / children ?
Will the Social Worker help you back to your vehicle ?
In the UK the answer to these questions is often NO.
Even if there is some assistance when leaving a visit, you as the Foster Carer need to be extra vigilant, for your own protection.

From a Security Perspective
Loading the Car
Back at your car, whilst loading the child / children in safely, your back is to any approaching people or cars.
Try to keep glancing backwards.
Once loaded get in yourself and click the Central Locking Button.

Methods used in close protection training can be useful on your journey home. We DO NOT want potential threats to know where you live.
If you think you are being followed then divert towards your nearest Police Station. If you are uncertain of being followed then try these steps:
(1) At a roundabout do a full circle before then choosing your exit. See if any vehicles do the same.
(2) Indicate and pull into a lay-by, keep your engine running. Does the suspect car carry on ?
Helpful Notes
Gaining your home address from a car license plate is near impossible within the UK.
Make certain that during drop off and collection you have nothing on display in your vehicle, identifying your home address or contact information.
Planning the Route
Whilst safely Locked in your car you can setup your route home. Keep casually surveying the car park. You are especially looking for people loitering around vehicles or looking in your direction. Consider saving a Map search to your closest Police Station. Set off home, slowly leave the car park and note any vehicles that leave immediately behind you.
Acting on your Suspicions
If you think you are being followed remain CALM.
Head in the direction of the nearest Police Station.
If there is not one nearby:
Pull into the next available populated service station. Stay locked in your car. Call 999 and give the Police Operator the details. Remain calm for the children on board.
The Police will send a response car to your location. Whilst waiting if someone approaches you, inform them, through a closed window, that the Police are on the way.
Whilst parked keep your car ignition on so that your Dash Camera is recording evidence. You can use your phone to record anyone approaching the car.
This will act as a deterrent.
Have a bluetooth setup between your phone and the vehicle. Most modern cars automatically connect to your phone. Avoid using your phone whilst driving.

Your Home Address could be compromised
Biological Parents may already know your home address, perhaps they are on good terms and visitation has been arranged at your home. Whatever the case may be it is still important to make your home a secure place for yourself and your children.
Starting at the front door, make sure you do not have to open the door to know who is calling. The best option for this is a Motion Detection Smart Doorbell. This will notify your smart phone when it detects motion outside and record footage at the same time.
Good quality door and window locks are essential. Create a checklist and a routine where you regularly check that all of your doors and windows are secure. Have a CCTV system in place that is simple to use and manage. Have an emergency plan in place for any suspicious activity and unwanted guests.
If the Biological Parents make unscheduled house calls then this needs to be reported to the social workers immediately. Note the time and date and who was calling. Save any camera footage to your media library as evidence.
Social Media Presence
For Carers & Foster Children
Foster Carer's using social media need to be extra vigilant on how and what they post for public viewing. In general anyone posting on social media need to pause and think about any potential consequences. As a Carer you may feel more comfortable using platforms that do not divulge your real name and instead use profile names. The same consideration needs to be used when teenage foster children are using social media. Trying to monitor and police a child's social media presence is not an easy task.
Biological Parents have been known to create fake profiles and stalk foster families in order to gain access to their child or children. Have regular sessions with your children to talk about the dangers of having a social presence online. Always make yourself available and approachable if they have any questions or concerns.

Tracking Technology
For Carers & Foster Children
The best way to track your child's location is by tracking their smart phone. A high percentage of school age children use iPhones. Through your iCloud account you can activate the 'Find My' Application. This allows you to check the location of their phone of which they are usually attached to. The only time this may not give you a location is if they have no data left.
Another option is to use an Apple AirTag. This is a small discrete tracker generally used to find lost keys, bags, etc. The battery lasts over a year and is small enough to keep in a pocket or bag.
SoS Safety Application
Free Download for iPhones
Free App developed to provide the user with the ability to share their location when help is needed. Simply choose 2 contacts that you can access quickly in times of trouble.
Choose from preset messages and send your location and directions needed to find you. Request a lift from any of your phones contacts. Giving the recipient directions to your location.
Press the SoS Button for a panic alarm to activate and your phone will store evidence of your alert.

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