Personal Safety
A dedicated Page to help members of the public to be more aware of the dangers and threats that exist in our modern society. This page offers some 'common sense' advice and knowledge to help you protect yourself and your close family members.
I have worked in specialist security for over 20 years and continually read social media posts relating to accidents, incidents, carelessness, robberies, suspicious people, missing persons and risks to our children.
This page is not here to sell you any services.
This page is here to advise the public of some basic strategies we can apply to protect ourselves and our families from harm.
Page Author.. Nicholas Howe
Notice things that do not fit in to your normal daily routine.
Pick out some key facts from your Observations.
​Colour, Direction, Noise, Behaviour, etc.
​Pay attention to details.
​Use your Phone Camera to gather evidence if it is safe to do so.
Share your experience so as to raise any necessary risk levels, and assist others.
Security Operators refer to this as Situational Awareness and requires training yourself to be more aware of your surroundings, planning ahead and being reactive to events.
Plan ahead before you go out
​Extra cautious when using cash machines
​Extra cautious when answering door to strangers
Restaurants avoid having your back to doors
Restaurants observe multiple entrances / exits
Walking, glance behind you regularly
Walking, face oncoming traffic
Walking, listening to music limits senses
​Walking, using your phone limits senses
Walking, plan ahead identify a safe place
This can be a horrifying feeling, when you think someone or a group of people are following you, especially at night time.
Try to remain calm.
Start walking towards a populated area. (Shop, Bar, etc)​. Take your phone out and call a friend or family member. If you are certain you are at risk call 999.​
Flag down passing motorists for help.
Remember to try and gather the 'Basic Details' so as to report the incident. This could save another person from going through the same ordeal.
Try to plan ahead, that you will not need to walk anywhere by yourself. Make sure you have a lift planned or a taxi booked.
We can sometimes jump to conclusions when it comes to vehicles acting suspiciously. It doesn't hurt to record some 'Basic Details' though as you may be right. We identify a suspicious vehicle as one that is being driven differently to normal. Perhaps driving very slowly in a residential area, usually a van, having multiple occupants that appear to be surveying properties. Popular crimes these days include Dog Thefts, Building Material Theft and Burglary.
If you observe suspicious activity try and note:
Vehicle Colour, Make and Model.
Number of Occupants.
Direction of Travel.
Any suspicious activity.
Discretely use your Phone Camera to take a few photographs if you are in a public space and if it is safe to do so.
​Be careful how you use these photographs, do not immediately jump to social media.
If approached by someone in a vehicle. Just walk away immediately to a populated area or into the nearest shop. Even if they are asking for directions, do not take the risk !
Adult drivers should know better these days than to approach children they do not know.
Use your phone to call for help. When the vehicle moves away, try getting a photograph, if it is safe to do so.​ Avoid any risk to yourself. Gather some basics details about the incident, vehicle details, description of the people inside, direction of travel.
The Police must be informed so as to protect others from the threat.
Parents utilise their local social media networks these days to get the word out that a potential predator is stalking children. Always be cautious doing this, it is good to spread the word to help others as long as the details are factual.
Free App developed to provide the user with the ability to share their location when help is needed. Simply choose 2 contacts that you can access quickly in times of trouble.
Choose from preset messages and send your location and directions needed to find you. Request a lift from any of your phones contacts. Giving the recipient directions to your location.
Press the SoS Button for a panic alarm to activate and your phone will store evidence of your alert.
All iPhones have an Emergency SOS function. Is is an advantage to get this set up on your phone and learn how to activate it in an emergency.
Pass this information on to other family members as it is a really useful tool in an emergency.
​Adjust the multiple settings to best suit your needs.
​The latest Apple Watches now have a function that detects when you are in trouble, and can activate the SOS function.
Newer Apple Watches also have a Fall Detection setting. They will call or message an emergency contact when a fall is detected by the user.
The latest Apple Watches now have crash detection and fall detection. This works by having additional sensors inside the watch that detect if you are in a car crash or have a bad fall. The watch then will automatically connect to your chosen emergency contacts or call the emergency services. The latest Apple Watches also have better GPS location services, providing an accurate pinpoint geo-location for the user.
​Advantages and Disadvantages
It is so easy to jump straight onto Social Media to report, vent frustration, share photographs and generally have an angry rant about something that has happened or upset you or a family member.
STOP and think about how your post may affect other people in your community before you list it !
Is the information accurate ?
Does the information concern others ?
​What will you achieve by listing your post ?
Is there a better way of going about it ?
Answer these questions before you post your concerns.
Obviously if it is a genuine Public Safety concern, it is best to contact your local Police first. Perhaps inform them you intend to share the details online and see what they advise.
Most local Police Forces now use Social Media outlets to pass information to the public. Twitter is popular with local Police forces. They will advise of road traffic issues, crime statistics and local concerns.
​So please think before you post potentially harmful content online.
When you see a post online you need to be careful how you respond.
​If the information is a genuine local concern then you can tag friends and family that it may affect. Do not allow yourself to get dragged into un-necessary angry, venting posts that have no benefit for the local community.
​If you think the post is offensive and inaccurate it should be reported to the site administrator as a matter of urgency. ​If it is a genuine local safety concern about a recent incident. Can you help ?
It maybe possible that you have captured information that can assist with a police investigation. CCTV footage.
In car Dash Camera footage.
Most burglaries are carried out by opportunist thieves. They prey on weakness and are able to take advantage of opportunities often presented to them by our own failures !
If an individual approaches your property with the intention of gaining entry are they faced with Padlocked gates? Flood lights? Locked doors? Conservatory blinds closed?
In these modern times we need to be extra vigilant with how we secure our possessions. Take those extra few minutes to check you have locked your doors and windows.
Set aside an hour each month to check your security measures are working. Remove cobwebs from outdoor cameras, check padlocks, check window locks and door locks. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential thief, how would you gain access to your property. Identify any weak areas.
Bullying is not just an issues facing children. Work place bullying is a common problem faced by managers these days. Bullying should be identified quickly and both the victims and perpetrators dealt with professionally.
Some say this is a part of growing up and teaches you values for your life ahead. Bullying should never be something you have to experience in order to progress through life.
Children rarely tell their parents that they are a victim or a perpetrator of bullying. As a parent if you feel there is something your child is holding back and you have concerns about bullying then it is always wise to make contact with their school and speak to teachers that may witness these events. Schools have behavioural policies and dedicated teachers that take statements and report on any issues including bullying. You can discreetly talk or email your Childs school.
Children can also be bullied away from the school yard through their social media interaction. As parents we should monitor this usage but if a child is determined to contact friends through apps then they usually find a way. Harmful content needs to be evidenced (screenshots) and stored, statements recorded and their school can be informed of this harassment to add to their anti bullying profiles.
Workplace Bullying
Adult workers can be bullied by work colleagues and managers alike. Usually similar to child bullying, staff are ganged upon, segregated from groups and picked on. When an adult worker reports these incidents they fear for their job security and worry their management will not do anything about it.
It still should be reported and evidence gathered, companies should have policies in place to help victims of bullying and anti-social behaviour.
Looking out for our Elderly Generation
W​e should all have a natural desire to look out for our elderly generation. Vulnerable People living within our local neighbourhood.
Criminals prey on elderly people for the following reasons:
​They often keep cash in their homes.
They are less likely to question official looking people.
They are unaware of methods used by fraudsters.
They are less likely to have modern CCTV systems.
Their reactions can be slower and are less likely to question people.
Keeping our Elderly Relatives up to date with Criminal and Fraudster methods is near impossible. We need to rely on good neighbourly instincts and local social media to combat this form of crime.
If you notice a tradesman working at an elderly persons home it could all be legitimate. We all need work doing from time to time.
However as a precaution it may be wise to do the following:
​Take a few photographs of the trade vehicle. If it is on private property do not start putting pictures on social media.
If you know the property owner. Have a chat with them about the work they are having done and how they located the tradesman. Did they cold call ?
If alarm bells start ringing ask if the owner has handed over money before the job is complete. Payment terms ?
Ask if you can help them in anyway to inspect the work.
Ask if any of their family members are aware of the work.
​Check your Town | Village Social Media pages for any suspicious activity relating to tradesmen.
This is something that is becoming more frequently noticed. Tagging is a method used by criminal gangs to mark property to notify other criminals of their findings.
This could be in the form of Chalk marks on the path in front of a house or on a wall. Each mark gives details of vulnerability and ease of access.
This also applies to vehicles. Police are trying to raise awareness that vehicles can be marked for the purpose of stealing or even worse that the owner is a target !
Vehicles can be tagged by using a cable tie on the door handle or wipers. If you discover one on your vehicle. Remove immediately and take further steps to protect yourself and your property.
Caution must be taken when using FaceBook's sales platform called Marketplace.
By choosing this platform to sell your goods you are showing people your possessions online and often provide a location for your address.
Thieves use this platform, generally for higher value items that they can steel either by means of Burglary, Doorstep theft or by using Counterfeit Currency.
Be extra careful not to give your exact address until you are certain that the enquiry is legitimate. If you have concerns then organise a collection in a public place and take a friend with you to help with the transaction.
This goes for other online sales platforms also.